Friday, January 5, 2007

'Challenge as a Way of Life', a brazilian novel.

For someone born in the brazilian semi-arid northern region, the word 'challenge' is one of the first to be learned upon childhood. A 'challenge' is to be born, to grow up, to have water, food, education and the list goes on. But on the face of such adversities, we are thaught to look at them as something to be overcome. This doesn't apply to that specific region only, but one could say that it strongly shapes the spirit of most of its people.
Despite adversities, being born on that area can be an enriching experience for its traditions and folklore. Some of the finest brazilian musicians and artists come from the northern states.
Born in 1963, in a small town in the middle of the of Pernambuco, whose capital is Recife, I grew up making my own toys from mud, wood and whatever happen fo tall into my hands. It was almost like 'what can done with this?'. By six, we moved to São Paulo, due to a draught in the begining of the seventies. Everything was lost, but not life!
By that time, I began drawing and started to perfect my skills, thanks to my dad, which amazed me by drawing a small donkey for a school homework:_'Wow! I dind't know my father could draw this way!'
In 1977, during a contest to create the school's logotype, I got the first place and decided:'_I am going to work with identity.' Although I didn't know what was that precisely.
At the present day living in Portugal, for 20 years now, dividing time between a Senior Graphic Designer position at HPP EuroRSCG (part of EuroRSCG Worldwide) and being a father of three boys, challenges are what I have the most now.
My graphic design career began in the 80's, by producing drawings for a screen-printing company. After three years, I thought it was time to take a new step and begin working for a small advertising agency in the nearby town of São Bernardo do Campo, the heart of the brazilian industry. Once there, I could work and get acquainted with the process of developing corporate identity projects throughout its implementation. I also took classes on illustration at a local art school and a Graphic Production course at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, in São Paulo, at night.
As a matter-of-fact, being self-taught and consider myself a graphic designer is a challenge in itself, but I look at this as 'something to overcome', although the work I have done all these years can prove that the challenges were worth the efforts done.
Anyway, See for yourself and make your own judgment. I hope you like it.


Anonymous October 23, 2007 at 11:49 AM  

Caro amigo (acho q te posso considerar assim, pelo menos é como te vejo)
Fiz este pequeno desvio apenas para te congratular, pois a meu ver és um exemplo de vida para qualquer um. Tive o prazer de trabalhar contigo, embora por um curto período e infelizmente em poucos projectos, mas o que vi, o que senti, não me deixa dúvidas quanto à pessoa, essencialmente a pessoa, q és. 5 Estrelas soa-me a pouco. Mas tb há quem diga q já não há estrelas, o q eu corrijo, no momento em q lhes apresento a tua pessoa.
A maior das sortes para ti, com toda a sinceridade q me é possível
E aquele abraço

Unknown November 27, 2007 at 2:25 AM  

I remember.... at that time I was just a little boy, working at "Oleo Maria" together with a nice guy...Cris... and we used to go to the same school, were you were the winnes of that challenge.

I miss those days and that friend.

Congratulations, you deserve all the glory.

Be safe, God bless you... and talk to you soon.

Jairo....a long long time friend..

Unknown November 27, 2007 at 2:27 AM  

" where you were the winner"